Research & Analytic Insights
President and Founder
Research & Analytic Insights (RAI) is a small women-owned business that partners with educators, social service providers, program leaders, and policymakers to conduct research,
evaluate programs and policies, and use data
to improve child and youth outcomes.

Policy development
Strategic planning
Longitudinal data system building and use
Program evaluation
Primary research
Secondary data analysis
Training and technical assistance in using data
Content areas
We often work in the transition spaces to help program and policy leaders strengthen practice for children and youth transitioning into elementary, middle, or high school; or into college and the workforce. Our team has worked in the following content areas:
Early childhood and learning
Kindergarten entry assessments (KEA)
College and career readiness
Early warning systems and success indicators
Postsecondary and workforce outcomes
Middle school mathematics
Embedding technology into classroom instructional practices
Strengthening teacher and leader data use
English learners
Career and technical education